Showing posts with label George Soros. Show all posts
Showing posts with label George Soros. Show all posts

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Jim Rogers, famous commodities investors cautions on investing in India and points to upcoming war due to water

UR6ZR6UN9U9W Legendary Quantum Fund manager (along with George Soros) and commodities investor Jim Rogers is short Indian equities and has categorically declared that India while an exciting place to visit is not a place for him to invest in. In an interview with Bloomberg last week, Mr. Rogers proceeded to urge the Indian Government to figure out somehow how to run a country pointing to the non-convertibility of the Indian currency, the Rupee on the international markets. He has also blamed the restrictions on foreign investors as another reason why he feels the Indian government does not know how to run an economy.

As posted in an earlier blog post, this view on the Indian macroeconomic environment is reflected in investors moving their capital out of India and I believe it is only a matter of time before the current bubble in Indian equities which has built up again since the last pop in 2007 will burst again in the near future perhaps quite dramatically. Mr. Rogers also pointed out about the possibility of an upcoming war due to shortages of water resources in India and Pakistan. I have previously blogged about this possibility of a war between India and Pakistan in the near future as well.